Keeping Your Cool In The Summer Heat

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BC Express review scores as of 4/8/24

A smiling family of 4 relaxes on the floor of their air-conditioned home in a pinwheel formation, head-to-head, holding hands.Once June arrives, everyone starts to look forward to the summer weather. It’s the season for rest, relaxation and fun in the sun – but it’s also nice to be able to come inside and cool down after a day of outdoor activity. For a lot of homeowners, having an air conditioning system to keep their homes comfortable in the summer heat is a necessity. But as with any sort of home comfort equipment, it takes energy for your home’s air conditioning system to operate.

How efficient your home’s air conditioning system is dependent on a few factors, but the main ones are the age of your equipment, and how well it’s been maintained over the years. Obviously an older AC system is going to be less efficient than modern units that have been engineered for advanced efficiency. And, a poorly maintained system is likely to have some concerns that could cause it to operate less efficiently and effectively, such as clogged filters and dirt build-up in the system.

So, what can I do to make the most of my current air conditioning system?

Stay Cool this Summer.


Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help your air conditioning system perform efficiently without having to prematurely replace it. Here are five measures you can take today to help save energy – and ultimately money on your utility bills.

  1. If you haven’t had maintenance on your system, schedule it! Even the Dept. of Energy urges people to get maintenance on their cooling equipment, stating, “Neglecting necessary maintenance ensures a steady decline in air conditioning performance, while energy use steadily increases.” So call BC Express and get your AC maintenance scheduled today.
  2. Choose a programmable thermostat. By using a thermostat that has settings for when you’re home, away or asleep, you can cut cooling costs by using your AC more effectively, instead of having it running constantly when there might not be anyone home using it. When programmed correctly, this type of thermostat can save you up to 10 percent yearly on your home comfort costs. Not sure how to program it? That’s not a problem – BC Express will be happy to help.
  3. Quit cooking for the summer. At least with your oven, especially on the hotter days. Use your outdoor grill or slow cooker. Using your oven can heat your home up, making your air conditioning system work harder to cool everything down. Now you have an excuse to order pizza!
  4. Make sure your insulation is adequate. A lot of the time, people only think about their insulation during the chilly winter months. But your home’s insulation does double duty. It keeps the heated air in your home during the winter, of course, but it also keeps the hot air outside in the summer months. Attics, walls and ducts should all be insulated, and any cracks should be sealed.
  5. Be a fan of fans. Your ceiling fans can help you raise your thermostat by about four degrees, without changing your comfort level. And, use your bathroom fan while showering or bathing, and your range hood while using the stove, to help keep the heat and humidity at bay.

And, feel free to call BC Express for your home cooling needs.

At BC Express, we’re pleased to assist our customers in maximizing their home’s air conditioning system. We can provide you with the AC services you need, including maintenance, repair and installation. All you have to do is just give us a call at 732-240-2828 and we’ll be happy to help you keep your cool all summer long!

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